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Promocode gültig
31 März-31 März
1 Zimmer, 2 Gäste
Leonardo Club Hotel Eilat - All Inclusive - WasserrutscheLeonardo Club Hotel Eilat - All Inclusive - Wasserrutsche

Aktivitäten für Kinder im Leonardo Club Hotel Eilat - All Inclusive


Welcome Baby ist ein von Fattal Hotels zusammengestelltes Paket für Eltern, die mit Kleinkindern unterwegs sind. Es enthält Babypflegeprodukte, Babybetten, Babybadewannen, Babyfläschchen und Sterilisatoren. 

Live Performances

The entertainment programme includes diverse live shows, such as musicals, dance performances, Israeli music and theatre, and acrobatic acts, all designed to be enjoyable for the whole family.


Kids Club

The children’s club provides a safe, exclusive space for younger guests. Activities include board games, movie screenings, arts and crafts. Teenagers can enjoy a separate area equipped with gaming consoles and touchscreen games.


Activities for All Ages

The waterpark serves as the main attraction, complemented by regular dance parties and various activities organized by the hotel's animation team to ensure continuous 

entertainment for everyone.


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